Wisconsin’s Premiere Screening of Straight/Curve Plus Indulging Potluck


Wisconsin’s Premiere Screening of Straight/Curve
Plus Indulging Potluck
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
6:30-8:30 pm
Goodman Community Center
Bolz B room
149 Waubesa St
Madison, WI  53704

Join us and bring a dish to share for Wisconsin’s premiere the new, body positive film Straight/Curve!

This event is part of our Love Your Body Month actions.

Straight/Curve examines the industries and obstacles responsible for this body image crisis and showcases the dynamic leaders fighting for more diversity of size, race and age.
At a time when our brain processes images 60,000 times faster than words Straight/Curve sets out to change the imagery we are seeing and to bolster a movement that is redefining society’s unrealistic and dangerous standards of beauty to impact society at large.

Reject society’s unrealistic beauty standards by bringing and indulging in your favorite dish! We’re asking attendees to bring their fave indulgent food to share, whether is be a main course, side or dessert.

Special thank you to Wisconsin NOW for sponsoring this event!