Madison NOW Showing of After Tiller a Great Success

Madison NOW’s Feb. 25th fundraiser showing of the documentary After Tiller was a wonderful event, and a great success for the organization. We’re grateful to everyone who attended and contributed and we hope that everyone was as moved as we were by this important film.

An extra special shout out to our co-sponsors – Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health and Representatives Chris Taylor and Janet Bewley.

From Madison NOW, thank you.

Majestic Outside

The Marquis outside of the Majestic Theatre in Madison.

NOW Buttons


Madison NOW president Wendi Kent speaking before the film.

A Crowd

A full house.


Madison NOW vice president Jo Anna Pautsch taking tickets at the door.


Majestic Inside

Alder Thank You

Making a great night even greater, we got word that the Madison Common Council passed the new buffer zone ordinance, creating an eight-foot floating buffer around anyone passing by or entering a healthcare clinic in Madison. Luckily we had this Thank You ready for After Tiller attendees to sign. We’re lucky to have such fabulous alders and such a great community.